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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! Remember it is about spreading love to all you know, not just a significant other/spouse. Don't forget about friends and family! As Shakespeare said, "If music be the food of love, play on."

Dogs Trust Vintage: 4 ways to improve your relationship

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday, Bode!

Bode turned 5 on Tuesday! Even though it was his birthday, he insisted on going to work with Tara and I, so we celebrated at work and when we got home! Here he is the day he came home and now.

At work, the clients loved singing to him and one made him a birthday crown to wear. I posted a picture below. It says "Bode I <3 U!"

When we got home, we got the yummy goodies from the dog bakery and then we were exhausted. I can't birthday is next!

Bode says thank you for all the Facebook birthday messages!

With love,
