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Monday, August 17, 2009

Come walk with us...

Out to Play!
Playing together to save lives...
Out to Play is made up of friends and family of Delta Family Counseling, LLC. Please join us in walking and raising money to save a life! Canine friends encouraged to participate as well!
Delta Family Counseling is in collaboration with CARES Suicide Prevention and wants to continue to raise support, educate the community, and save a life!

Join us and 0ur team in supporting CARES! You can walk with us, help us raise money, or do both for the 3rd Annual Survivors Stepping Out Walk on November 21st.

Every 17 minutes someone dies by suicide. It is the third leading cause of death for young people. You are the friend, relative, neighbor, co-worker, or acquaintance that could save a life.
Your support is needed so that CARES can continue to offer services FREE to the community and keep the only Suicide Prevention Resource Center open in SW Florida!

Come and play with us at Veteran's Park in Cape Coral on November 21st!

Click here to donate or join our team:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Celebrating life

Geoff and Tara are getting ready to go to a memorial service and we thought we would blog about this. People come in and out of our lives daily. Some my choice, others by chance. We never know the common factor of "why" we were apart of that person's life or when their time on Earth is up. This goes for animals too!

Celebrating someone's life is the most important part of a death. We are saddened by the loss, but need to remember the good times. When it is a tragic death, such as a suicide, we have many questions and do not clearly understand what is happening. This can happen to with natural death.

We, our family, has experienced many deaths lately and are focusing on the good. Just this month, Geoff''s "Pa" (grandpa) died; Steve (a friend of CARES and the service they are getting ready to go to; and our friend Jessica's mom a couple of days ago. Earlier this summer, we lost our canine friend Murphy and miss him dearly.

We remember our play dates with Murphy. We wish we could still have them, but know there was a reason he only had 4 years on Earth with Colleen and the rest of us.

As Geoff and Tara leave to celebrate Steve's life at this memorial service, we challenge you to reflect on those you love that have died and try and identify your favorite memory of that person or dog.

Sending love to everyone...

Abbey and Bode

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Vote for Abbey and Bode

Hi! We entered a cutest dog contest, but separately! Take a minute to vote for us and spread the word. This is our favorite picture of Abbey and we misclicked on the picture for Bode, but it is still cute!

Thanks so much for voting for us!