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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Does time seem to be flying? It does for us...yes, even on partial retirement I can say that! I am not thrilled that Tara put me on VERY part time work, but retirement isn't so bad. I get to nap in my favorite places every day (Tara's bed and the couch :) ).

(c) Delta Family Counseling, LLC

This year, like every year, we have so much to be thankful for. We can often get caught in the negativity of life, but we want to encourage you to focus on the good today and every day.

You can read more about the holidays in our newsletter (Delta Family Counseling Thanksgiving Newsletter)

We also wanted to share some things with you!

(With Respect to Animals)  This article touched both of us because we were also saved from being killed. Yes, you read that correctly. We were scheduled to be put to death just because we were born and ended up in the shelter. Thankfully our amazing parents found us and we give love to so many other dogs that have had the same fate and have been saved by rescues. The current rescue we foster for, Brooke's Legacy Animal Rescue, is our third no-kill rescue and we love it.  We currently have our 42nd foster sibling in our home and that doesn't count the dogs that have stayed with us for a few hours because our parents helped with transport and we took care of them until their fosters could pick them up.

Last week Tara took our human brother and did her first "pull". Do you know what that means? She went into the local kill shelter (yes, there is one in Ft Myers) on behalf of Brooke's Legacy and saved a 2 month old puppy from being put on the kill list. It just so happens this puppy was found by a friend of ours and because of rules, had to be turned over as a stray to the shelter. Thankfully "Buckeye" was saved and we are hoping he will be adopted into a home before the BIG game this Saturday. Any OSU fans looking for a great dog? (Here is his Facebook link: Buckeye and Brooke's Legacy's link: Brooke's Legacy Homepage

This woman (Lisa the hero) is truly a superhero! Our two foster dogs are currently pit bull mixes and we all get along great. We play together, they love life, and Tara takes them to the office. In some areas of Florida and across the country, they would have lost their life. That is no different than you being put down because you have freckles or a certain color eye. Yes, that is all that is equal to! Keelie and Holly, our current foster dogs are just that "dogs". They are both babies and only 7 months (so they guess) old. They struggle to get adopted because of housing restrictions, fears that don't have research to back them up. Here they are: (the first photo is Keelie and I under the covers for a nap because it was too cold, 60 degrees, today) and the 2nd is a smiley Holly

(c) Delta Family Counseling, LLC

(c) Delta Family Counseling, LLC

Well, I just learned I get to attend Thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents, so off to their house I go to smell all the good food and play with my first ever foster brother, Blackey (he was adopted by my grandparents!

Happy Thanksgiving
~~Bode (and Abbey too)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Keeping updated...

Hi! It has been a long couple of days! Bode had his surgery yesterday for the "mouth" infection. His teeth are nice and pretty as they cleaned them while he was in there.

He is home and resting, but I know he doesn't feel good. He has this strange mark on his nose (see photo below) where you can see that something was on his nose. I thought Tara said oxygen. They had to stop the procedure and do a chest xray as his EKG came back abnormal. They even told Tara that they switched machines and probes after the xray showed his hear to be a normal size, but the negative enzymes on the EKG are a concern that is being reviewed by the cardiologist.

They got the infection and Bode and has medications to take now. The doctor stressed the fact that Bode not only has allergies to all those foods but also has an auto-immune disorder that we have not yet identified and that makes him more likely to not be able to fight off infections he gets. They even said that the allergies were so bad because the body couldn't fight it for him and the same as the mouth.

(C) Delta Family Counseling, LLC

Last night Bode wanted to be with just the humans, no other dogs, not even me. I was ok with that as I took care of the foster siblings for him. It was sad that he missed out on his favorite holiday...Bode LOVES Halloween. He came out to greet one set of trick or treaters, but quickly went back into Tara's room and curled up on the bed. He finally ate and then slept most of the rest of the night. He got sick over night and wouldn't eat his breakfast, but Tara and I left it for him in case he got hungry while we are at the office (I am sneaking in this quick blog between clients).

He is going to hopefully rest up and be back to himself soon. In the meantime...I think  I heard my next client walk in....
