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Saturday, March 12, 2011

An update on Abbey...

Sorry for the delay in updating you on Abbey....

She came home Wednesday night, but it was a long rough night. I got home from work and she was already here and was sitting in the laundry room shaking. She let me say hi to her, but then she let me know to give her space. She wanted Tara to sit with her for awhile, so we all let them have their space.

I heard Tara say that Abbey has a lot of medicine to take and that they still were not sure what was wrong. Abbey was so nervous she had trouble holding her bladder. Tara convinced her to come sleep in the bedroom with the rest of us, but I don't think she slept much. She whined and moaned all night and didn't want anyone near her.

Thursday morning she was not moving around much and did not want to eat or go outside. Tara took us both to work, but I had to see all the clients because Abbey was just there so we could keep an eye on her. She laid on the dog bed at the office and really didn't move the whole time we were there. She didn't want to eat, drink, or go outside.

Tara then took her back to the vet and she came home feeling a little better. They think she had a reaction to her medicine. I heard Tara say that Abbey's blood work looked better, so that was good. Her temperature was still a little high, but not worrisome. The vet said Abbey had to come back if she still didn't eat or move around much.

Jenn (the nanny) told Tara that Abbey wasn't moving around much Friday, and honestly, she wasn't. She was better by the time Tara got home, so they talked to the vet and agreed to wait before going back.

Today Abbey is eating and actually barked (for the first time all week) at someone outside. She isn't herself, but getting there!

Tara and Abbey said to thank everyone for the calls and emails.

Hopefully the medication will continue to work and our next update will be from Abbey when she is feeling like herself!

Off to bed....

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