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Monday, August 15, 2011

I caught her...

Abbey loves to steal our human brother's car seat after we take him to school or before we pick him up. It always makes Tara laugh and she tells Abbey that she is such a "Drama Queen". Here she is proving she is queen!

She (Abbey) is always complaining that she can't see anything because she is so little. Sitting in the seat, she gets the same view I do from the car. Abbey, being the people watcher that she is, must know what is going on in the world around her! Surprises make her anxiety increase and this way she can easily keep track of life.

Do you feel like you have to always know what is going on? Does your anxiety grow when you can't see what is going to happen next? Some stress and anxiety management tools may help you! Abbey is learning some herself and finding ways to cope with her anxiety in life!

Until next time...


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