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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Teaching them young...

There is so much hype about dogs and kids, especially  babies, but you can teach them (human kids) how to interact with us so there are less "bad things" that could happen. We know not all dogs are like us, however it is possible to learn the signs and protect everyone!

Our humans went out of town without us last weekend....we can't fly on airplanes...and we heard them talking about some of the dogs they met. Our human brother has learned how to properly approach a dog and was praised by dog owners for knowing just how to greet a new dog.

He is not even two, but knows that not all dogs are as wonderful as we are :). I think the fact that we have so many foster dogs that come in and out of the house helps, as he has to learn how to greet them and learn their behaviors as they learn (most of them for the first time) what a toddler is.

With me, he knows I get more nervous when he is around me if I am tired or hungry, but Bode loves him being around all the time. Tara has taught him that he must ask or have her ask before he approaches a dog and can get close enough to pet (or as he says pat).

He always puts his hand out, palm up, where the dog can sniff it and if the dog shies away, he doesn't approach. He always approaches  from the side and Tara keeps an eye on calming signals (stress signals) the dog may give off.

It is important to learn how to greet dogs properly and teach children---this is a part of every counseling series we offer, as we are not allowed in a session without the children first learning to interact with us!

Learning calming signals is also very important!

Let me know if you have any questions!


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