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Sunday, June 3, 2012

No vacation for us?

So Tara says we got a vacation, but we really didn't! The human portion of our family went on something called a cruise. We don't like the water, so we may not have enjoyed it as much as she did, but we for sure did not go on a vacation. We stayed home with our three foster siblings and Tara's brother. It was nice to be home, but we always miss work when we aren't there.

Someone mentioned that we were having a "staycation." What does that mean? We sure "stayed" in one house for the week!  We never act like ourselves when Tara is gone because we get so nervous. Two days before they left, the suitcases came out. That means we barely slept! Those suitcases also mean someone is leaving and usually without us!

With the two of us being "edgy", as Tara calls it, our foster siblings started to act funny. We don't think they know what suitcases meant...until now. We didn't have to wait long for "Uncle No-no" (that's what our human brother calls Tara's brother) to get here, however we weren't sure what he was doing here.

We aren't going to lie...we all took advantage of Tara being away and pretended like we lost our doggie manners. The foster siblings REALLY took advantage of this! Tara was not happy when she got home and learned the trouble we gave Uncle No-no! Maybe next time she will take us with her!

Do you always take your dogs on vacation? We do get to go a lot of places, but not always on vacation...

Sorry to cut this short, however Tara and Bode need to get to work on their presentation. They are headed to NASW-Fl in two weeks with Liz and Somer to teach about pet-assisted play therapy.

We will blog again soon!

Abbey and Bode

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