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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

When love has to be enough....

We often feel that we can handle everything. How much can our mind, bodies, and hearts really take? Lately it feels like we are being tested in so many ways in all of these areas. We can decide to grow or succumb to the pressure.

Bode has had a relapse and we find ourselves again waiting on test results. Round 3 of meds started. First round of blood tests today inconclusive. Bode in a lot of pain. Work stresses adding up. The clients asking and becoming fearful of Bode's absence...and so much more!

Bode went into the office today with Tara and I today but wasn't sure about actually spending time with clients. He is so needy though, so he has to be in the room with Tara. I feel so helpless. My GIANT baby brother is in so much pain and discomfort. I don't know what to do. His birthday is in one week.

Prayers continue. Sleep is needed. How much can we take? The limits seem to continually be tested. I can do this. Bode can do this. Tara can do this. Our family can do this.

To health, happiness, and harmony the rest of the week!


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