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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bode to the Rescue!

Yes, that is me...Bode...I am back at work! Today I was able to work with two clients before I got tired. Tara thought it was funny that I was a landing pad for helicopters and took this picture! I was the rescuer to help everyone get to where they were going. The people in the helicopter still had trouble getting to the ground once they landed on me and my tail became a slide.

Sometimes we seek someone bigger to help us feel safe. Many times our clients have Abbey and I fill a safey/rescuing role as they process their trauma. We love to to be able to help and if it means being a rescuer, then there we are!!

The good news is at the end of the session, the helicopter was able to safely fly to it's destination with everyone safely arriving! That's a sneak peek at play therapy in our office....

Until next time--

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