Happy New Year!
Delta Family Counseling would like to wish you a happy and prosperous 2010! Our New Year's goal is to promote community giving through an initiative of "Pay it Forward". Lily Hardy Hammond wrote: "You don't pay love pay; you pay it forward!" During each of the odd months of 2010 we will feature a local non-profit and their wish list. We will have a collection box in our office to fulfil the wish list and bring to the non-profit at the end of the month. We encourage you to share this with your family, friends, co-workers, and those you encounter to "Pay it Forward" in our community.
For January, we are featuring the Gulf Coast Humane Society (http://gulfcoasthumanesociety.org/). The wish list is below, some of which you may already have in your home (old blankets and towels).
We look forward to bringing the community together in 2010 and are excited about your help with this!
The Delta Family Counseling Family:
Abbey, Bode...and Tara, Julie, and Robin too!

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