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Thursday, March 6, 2008

A mini-person?

Hi, It's Abbey! I did lots of work this week because Tara and Geoff wanted Bode to rest after the incidents this weekend. He is going better for those of you that have asked, but he barks a lot at dogs out the front window and has been having loud dreams where he starts running and whining.

Anyhow, I am writing to let you know of a new experience I had. I was working with a pre-teen and talking about lots of "teen" stuff when all of a sudden this noise came from the other side of the door. I froze and then it stopped, so I started to chew on my chewie...then I heard it again and a laugh followed. Tara and our client didn't move. What was that? This happened and I tried to peak under the door but couldn't so I sniffed like crazy and have no idea what that smell was.

After our session we went into the waiting room and there was something there that resembled a person, but it was staring me in the eyes. I am not kidding you, this little person was just looking me at my level. All the regular sized people were looking at us and laughing and then the noise came again. The mini-person had a smile...Tara said something about "baby" and me not knowing what a baby is. Apparently that is the human word for this mini-person that does not say words but just makes noises. The smell of this mini-person was interesting too, but both she and I were scared of each other and just stared at each other and I sniffed the air. It was fun, but I am not sure how close I can get to a "baby" because it did not want to come near me and Tara let me decide to stay back...and I did. Maybe next time I will smell more and trust to get closer to explore this "baby"/mini-person.

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