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Friday, March 21, 2008

Tag...You're It!

Hi...Abbey here! I had some fun sessions today. One was a termination session, which means our last session with the client because they made all their goals and are doing much better. This client asked Tara to have me there as part of the session and it was great!

We were playing basketball and talking about all the progress the client made and then he started running around the play room. Tara encouraged me to do so as well and when I would get to him, I would roll on my back and beg for my belly to be rubbed! He didn't buy it and kept saying "Tag, You're It". This was a different kind of tag than Bode and I play, so I tried to play along. I kept losing because I wanted to get tagged by getting my belly rubbed...that is one of the best things in the world for me! It was fun and I got tired fast, but when the client noticed I was tired, he took care of me by giving me my water and a cookie. He was great and I cuddled with him while he and Tara played a game.

Termination sessions are hard on all of us--the client is nervous to end sessions because of the safety of the play room and losing the relationship with us (Tara, Bode, and I), but they are also great because of the progress a client has made when they reach termination time. Bode and I get sad because we can't play with those client's anymore--but it is also great to see how far some of them have come with expressing themselves through words, play, and with me (or Bode)!

In ending the blog today, I would like to say "Tag, You're It" as we would love to hear about your canine adventures or just anything you feel like sharing! Happy Easter!

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