Check out this article of more dogs doing great things in their communities! We love WORK!!
Pictures of us
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Another picture slideshow by Smilebox |
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
We would love to do this....
Have you seen the rest stories on therapy dogs helping college students study for exams? How fun would that be? Even better, we could help the children study for their FCAT and relieve anxieties. Alright, SWFL. call us to get this started at your school!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Shep makes a guest appearance....
We have asked our fellow canine therapists to make appearances here on the blog. Shep is the first to do so. He is currently in training and has only worked two days in the office.
I recently became certified as a P.A.W.S. (Pets Are Working Saints) Ministry Pet and began visiting a local nursing home once a month. I get plenty of attention at the nursing home, but as a therapy dog I find I am freer to be myself and can lose the leash! I found the play environment exciting and enjoyed interacting with clients."
Here is what Shep has to say:
"On Monday, December 13th, I, a German Shepard Dachshund mix, took my first steps towards becoming a therapy dog at Delta Family Counseling. I enjoyed meeting Buster, another therapy dog at the office that works (and lives) with Julie, and several clients.
Today, Abbey and Shep worked with clients and she approved of this young pup starting his mental health career!
Onward we go....six tails a wagging at Delta Family Counseling!!
We look forward to introducing you to our other canine co-therapists!
Abbey and Bode
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
It was 34 degrees in SW Florida this morning!!!!
Burrr!! We cannot seem to get out from under these blankets and are staying cuddled together. Work is hard to go to because we get so cold so fast. Are you staying warm where you are? What are some of your favorite things to do when it is cold outside? Last night we sat by the fire with our blankets and it was so nice!
Tara told us we are like bears who hibernate for winter to stay warm. Maybe we should look into that!
Back to the blankets....
Abbey and Bode
Tara told us we are like bears who hibernate for winter to stay warm. Maybe we should look into that!
Back to the blankets....
Abbey and Bode
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Hiding places...
As the hustle and bustle of the holidays continue, we find ourselves needing a time out at times. Do you give yourself a timeout or say "no" to the many things asked of you? Saying "no" can be difficult but necessary!
We are learning more and more of our limits in life and in working with our clients, however we find that even Tara has a hard time with this concept. In fact, she is up helping me (Abbey) write this right now and it is way past when we should be in bed!
I have a favorite hiding place at the office and sometimes share it with the clients. It is the tent we have where the baby dolls sleep. There is even a flap that can be put down and you can be completely out of sight! Last week I had a couple of days that I was in there and was able to show the clients my need for the flap to be closed.
At home, I have my bed that is in Bode and I's room, or if I really need a break, I also can go under the guest bed! When I am in either of these places, everyone in the house knows it is my way of giving myself a timeout!
Taking just a few minutes or a few hours to rest and break away, we can rejuvenate ourselves.
Where do you hide? Let's talk about it!
With love,
We are learning more and more of our limits in life and in working with our clients, however we find that even Tara has a hard time with this concept. In fact, she is up helping me (Abbey) write this right now and it is way past when we should be in bed!
I have a favorite hiding place at the office and sometimes share it with the clients. It is the tent we have where the baby dolls sleep. There is even a flap that can be put down and you can be completely out of sight! Last week I had a couple of days that I was in there and was able to show the clients my need for the flap to be closed.
At home, I have my bed that is in Bode and I's room, or if I really need a break, I also can go under the guest bed! When I am in either of these places, everyone in the house knows it is my way of giving myself a timeout!
Taking just a few minutes or a few hours to rest and break away, we can rejuvenate ourselves.
Where do you hide? Let's talk about it!
With love,
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Brrr....It sure is cold outside!
Yes, I know we live in SW Florida, but this is way too cold! Last night at work and again this morning it was too cold for me! Believe it or not, the temperatures were in the 30s this morning! Abbey has thicker fur than I do, but she was even cold!
We had some of the best clients last night that helped us help them. The cold weather brought out some snuggle time for us with our clients and it helped them just talk....I don't think they realized it helped us stay warm! I was so cold that I didn't even want to get off the couch in the playroom to greet clients, I just waited for them to come back to the room to get started! Thankfully Tara let me borrow a sweatshirt (it was still a little tight, but it sure kept me warm)!
Today we are well rested and I have "my" sweatshirt by the door ready to go see more clients. I hope we can stay nice and warm again.
Here is another picture a client took of me when she thought I needed the hood from the hoodie on....
Until next time...
We had some of the best clients last night that helped us help them. The cold weather brought out some snuggle time for us with our clients and it helped them just talk....I don't think they realized it helped us stay warm! I was so cold that I didn't even want to get off the couch in the playroom to greet clients, I just waited for them to come back to the room to get started! Thankfully Tara let me borrow a sweatshirt (it was still a little tight, but it sure kept me warm)!
Today we are well rested and I have "my" sweatshirt by the door ready to go see more clients. I hope we can stay nice and warm again.
Here is another picture a client took of me when she thought I needed the hood from the hoodie on....
Until next time...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Smiling floppy ear to floppy ear...
It is freezing here in Southwest Florida, but we just were checking some email with Tara and learned some great news that warmed our heart. Our blog (yes, this one) has been chosen as a featured blog by TeachStreet!
Someone recommended us and we just can't stop smiling!
Abbey and Bode
Someone recommended us and we just can't stop smiling!
We know we haven't been the best at keeping this updated, but promise to do much better now! We are going to talk tonight about some of the great things that have been happening and share with you very soon!
Until then, we are going to try to stay warm so we are refreshed for work tomorrow!
Tail wags,
Abbey and Bode
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I'm not the biggest!!!
Hi! It's Bode...just checking in as we haven't in awhile and we are home for lunch. Tara's brother shared this link with us and I am so happy to learn that I am no longer the biggest therapy dog!
Read about Honey and I will chat with Abbey about doing better at blogging. Hope to be back on soon!
Tail wags...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Open House...
Tonight was the annual Delta Family Counseling Open House. We are exhausted and Abbey is limping (again). Looks like tomorrow may be another chiropractor appointment for her. We had close to 50 people come by and celebrate the license of two of the therapists that work with us, meet the new staff, and experience our expansion. More to come later!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
It has been an exhausting few days. The baby and I took a nap together this morning while the adults were getting ready for work and Abbey rested. Abbey has just not been feeling well and does not know why...not to mention we had house guests for the weekend. Rascal and Baxter were here and we played and played. I kept them as busy as I could so that they would leave Abbey alone.
I know I said I would update this blog, but I have not had time and apologize! I am just stopping by today to give you an update on Abbey. She continues to take her medicine, but seems to know when it wears off and can only take it every 12 hours. I heard Tara say that she is taking Abbey to the chiropractor tomorrow. Tara seems nervous, but I know she goes to the chiropractor, so I don't know why Abbey going would make her nervous. Hopefully it will help Abbey feel better so that she can play again.
Yesterday I was SOOO tired. I worked Abbey's clients and mine, which is WAY more than I have ever done in one day. Abbey cried and tried to sneak out for the babysitter. She doesn't understand why she can't go in. I can't wait for her to be back. There are too many clients for me to work with them all by myself.
Time for bed!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Sick Leave...
Bode here...
I know it i has been awhile since we updated our blog and we have lots to share! I will start working on that soon. Abbey has been ordered to sick leave by the doctor as she has a pinched nerve/slipped disc in here neck. She is not understanding this, but knows she doesn't feel well. She got some medicine to help today and it seems to be working, as she is finally eating and drinking again.
Looks like I will be the one in the office a lot these next three weeks until Abbey makes a full recovery. She is already fighting this and mad about not being able to work with our clients, but she is not allowed to jump up or get excited or even walk too much! I heard Tara say she may let Abbey work with a teenager or two, as long as she just sits there.
Pray for all of us these next three weeks, as an Abbey who doesn't get to work is a Crabby Abbey!!
Hope to be back soon with more updates....Bode
I know it i has been awhile since we updated our blog and we have lots to share! I will start working on that soon. Abbey has been ordered to sick leave by the doctor as she has a pinched nerve/slipped disc in here neck. She is not understanding this, but knows she doesn't feel well. She got some medicine to help today and it seems to be working, as she is finally eating and drinking again.
Looks like I will be the one in the office a lot these next three weeks until Abbey makes a full recovery. She is already fighting this and mad about not being able to work with our clients, but she is not allowed to jump up or get excited or even walk too much! I heard Tara say she may let Abbey work with a teenager or two, as long as she just sits there.
Pray for all of us these next three weeks, as an Abbey who doesn't get to work is a Crabby Abbey!!
Hope to be back soon with more updates....Bode
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Lazy days...
Do you ever wish for a lazy day where you can cuddle up with someone you love? We do and often times make it happen! Tara finally got a good picture of us taking a nap together! Enjoy your Sunday!
Doctor, Doctor...
Last week I played doctor in a session...but I really wasn't in to it! It was a great learning experience for our intern, Michelle to watch. Very rarely do I get upset during a session or fearful, but it happened. I was telling the child to give me space and she wouldn't listen, so finally Tara gave me a break and our other intern, Heather, saved me by letting me hang out in an empty therapy room with her!
Here's what happened...I was following the lead of the client, like I always do! We played hide and seek (I love that game) and we played with the dress up clothes and kitchen, but then she wanted to play doctor. She made me the doctor and I don't know what to do as the doctor, so I sat there. It was fun for a few minutes, but she kept touching my ears with the stethoscope and it scared me!! Tara gave her directives to give me space and I easily communicated to Tara what I was feeling and she understood.
We tried lots of boundary lessons, but they were not working. I really like all my clients, but sometimes I don't like the games! After I left, I heard Tara and the client talking about giving people space and how sometimes we don't agree with the boundaries people set, but they are there for a reason.
I hope to play with this client again, but with a clear understanding of how to be around a dog...after all...that is what I am!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Another dog friendly website...
Tara just showed us this page. She taught a class at the local college and learned of this site from the lady that was helping her get her results on what her students thought of you. Isn't it amazing how people meet?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
We just found out that a local SW Florida store, Discount Pets and Supplies, will give anyone that rescues/adopts a dog from a shelter a free bag of premium dog food and 20% off supplies! Check them out!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Where are you?
My client isn't here. I am ready for them and they didn't show up! It's so sad, didn't they know I was waiting for them? Tara and Michelle (one of our interns) are getting things done but there is nothing for me to do. I love working and really don't like this organizing and paperwork time. Be sure to cancel appointments in advance if you have them! We miss you when you aren't here!
Let's hope the 12pm shows up!
Let's hope the 12pm shows up!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thanks to our newest counselor, Liz and her therapy dog (Somer) for sharing this pet CPR video:
Monday, July 12, 2010
Check me out...
Bode here! Abbey told me to get off the computer, but I just have to post this!
Last week our friends came by when we were having a paperwork day. We don't have many friends over just to play, especially on paperwork days, but their mom just opened her photography studio (Set Free Photography) in our building and we are excited to have them around! Tara got to do her work and we got to play and play and play!!
I love this picture that was drawn of me, that I just have to share!! I wish it was on paper so we could hang it up, but it was on the dry erase! Aren't I cute? It looks just like me! I can't wait for another paperwork day when we can
Ok, off to bed for me....(yawn)...Bode
Last week our friends came by when we were having a paperwork day. We don't have many friends over just to play, especially on paperwork days, but their mom just opened her photography studio (Set Free Photography) in our building and we are excited to have them around! Tara got to do her work and we got to play and play and play!!
I love this picture that was drawn of me, that I just have to share!! I wish it was on paper so we could hang it up, but it was on the dry erase! Aren't I cute? It looks just like me! I can't wait for another paperwork day when we can
Ok, off to bed for me....(yawn)...Bode
New chapters....
There are new chapters in our lives that come along; some we plan and some we don't! This happens with many of our clients throughout their time in therapy as well. Last week we both got to tell a client goodbye and wish her well as her family relocates.
We have found many of us struggle with these new adventures because they require risk and change. Change is hard to adjust and adapt to.
Putting a smile on our face is what we need in life and it will come with every chapter we unveil! Take a leap and try new things...we do every day with the work we do!
Abbey and Bode
We have found many of us struggle with these new adventures because they require risk and change. Change is hard to adjust and adapt to.
Putting a smile on our face is what we need in life and it will come with every chapter we unveil! Take a leap and try new things...we do every day with the work we do!
Abbey and Bode
Saturday, June 19, 2010
MY BUNNY!!!!!!!
For those of you that follow our blog, you know I have a bunny at work that I love oh so much! It is the only toy I keep at the office and it makes me feel safe. When I am tired or nervous, I suck on my bunny to help me sleep. Yesterday my bunny became part of the therapy!
It was my third client of the day, which is my limit, and I was becoming very sleepy. Our client started playing basketball. He talked about things that he was working on and then grabbed my bunny. I didn't know what to I followed him around the room and listened while he held onto my bunny. Next thing I knew...Bunny was in the microwave and I couldn't get it out! Tara thought, once again, that this was funny and turned it into a lesson with our client. Meanwhile I worked to get my bunny out!
What do you do when your favorite item is misplaced or taken from you? Do you know how your favorite toys became your favorite toy? I don't! This is not even a dog toy, it is just a toy that I fell in love with at the office!
Off to bed...dreaming of Bunny!
It was my third client of the day, which is my limit, and I was becoming very sleepy. Our client started playing basketball. He talked about things that he was working on and then grabbed my bunny. I didn't know what to I followed him around the room and listened while he held onto my bunny. Next thing I knew...Bunny was in the microwave and I couldn't get it out! Tara thought, once again, that this was funny and turned it into a lesson with our client. Meanwhile I worked to get my bunny out!
What do you do when your favorite item is misplaced or taken from you? Do you know how your favorite toys became your favorite toy? I don't! This is not even a dog toy, it is just a toy that I fell in love with at the office!
Off to bed...dreaming of Bunny!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
There are littles all over!
Ahh....we finally have time to write! We started fostering dogs for the Gulf Coast Humane Society again, however this was a new adventure! Darci has been living with us for two weeks. She is now 10-11 weeks old. We are still getting used to having a human baby and a canine baby in the house...don't get us wrong, we love them both but there is quite an adjustment!
Darci is only with us until her hair grows back, which is taking some time! She is a Rottweiler (possibly mixed with something else) and is going to need a good home. Do you know anyone?
We took it upon ourselves to help the humans train her. So far she can go in and out of the doggie door, sit, stop chewing and kiss instead....and the big one---she is almost house broken!! We are so proud of ourselves!
Darci and Abbey love to roll around and wrestle...Bode is still trying to figure out how to not step on her! Tara keeps telling us she is going to be a big dog, but right now she is tiny! Oh and you can tell from the picture that since we are allowed on the is she :)
Having house guests can be challenging, but also a learning experience. We have to learn to share more and do a pretty good job! What do you like about house guests? Are you relieved when they leave?
Enjoy the rest of this HOT Florida Thursday (we don't even want to go outside)!
Abbey and Bode!
Darci is only with us until her hair grows back, which is taking some time! She is a Rottweiler (possibly mixed with something else) and is going to need a good home. Do you know anyone?
We took it upon ourselves to help the humans train her. So far she can go in and out of the doggie door, sit, stop chewing and kiss instead....and the big one---she is almost house broken!! We are so proud of ourselves!
Darci and Abbey love to roll around and wrestle...Bode is still trying to figure out how to not step on her! Tara keeps telling us she is going to be a big dog, but right now she is tiny! Oh and you can tell from the picture that since we are allowed on the is she :)
Having house guests can be challenging, but also a learning experience. We have to learn to share more and do a pretty good job! What do you like about house guests? Are you relieved when they leave?
Enjoy the rest of this HOT Florida Thursday (we don't even want to go outside)!
Abbey and Bode!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
This week's adoptable...
Meet Opie....
Hello, I am Opie and I was brought to the shelter, because my owner could not afford to look after me anymore. I have been here a really long time and want a home to call my own. I am very laid back and would love to live with someone who has a big yard. I would love to have a doggy door and be able to come in and out as I choose. I love to lie in the fresh air and watch the world go by. I am not a very energetic dog and I consider walks a necessary exercise that I prefer to keep as short as I can. I am housetrained and have lived inside most of my life. I am a little nervous around lots of people at first, so you need to be easy on me. I don't want to go home with other dogs or children as I just don't like them. I love to cuddle and guard the house! I turned 5 a few months ago and did not like celebrating my birthday at the shelter!
**If Opie could call your home his forever home, please take time to meet this sweet guy at the Gulf Coast Humane Society!
Eating habits!
Check out this great article Geoff shows which foods should not be given to us canines! Keep this information handy so you don't accidentally hurt your canine friends and loved ones!
Poisonous foods for dogs
Poisonous foods for dogs
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Bode no like....
I am finally over my trauma of the vet's office. I was nervous and they laughed at me! Yes, I realize I weigh 120lbs, but I still get scared very easily...don't you have things that scare you?
Here is how my vet appointment went...I already knew Abbey gets scared and I tried to be tough and tell myself I would be safe and they were nice. I smiled and eagerly walked in and then froze in the doorway. As soon as Tara gave my name I looked for a chair and tried to climb under it...guess what? I don't fit under chairs but I sure do try to get under them! The people in the waiting room started to laugh, so I began to shake and found a corner to put my head in. I told the other dogs that came in that I wanted to be left alone and they listened...I wasn't mean...just said I was scared and the understood.
When it was my turn I politely followed the vet tech back and tried to go under another chair. Those chairs didn't work either so I attempted to sit on Tara...that didn't last long! We then had to go to the scale and I spotted a jar of cookies...I was slightly distracted, so when they asked me to sit on the scale, I did and proceed to put my paw into the vet tech's paw. Everyone started laughing at me, including Tara! I put my paw down and got weighed and then a couple of the techs were asking me to shake and give them high fives...they loved my skills! Once again I was distracted until I saw the white lab coats...back under the chair I tried to go!
Tara filled them in on how great I am doing and get this...they said my muzzle is graying....WHAT? I don't want to turn gray; I am only 4!! Next I thought was the perfect scenario...I watched the vet tech close the two doors in our room and then carefully I tried to mimic how she turned the handle and escape...Tara sat and laughed, but I kept trying. Then the vet came in...she seems nice but I started to shake and they laughed at how scared I was and said I was the biggest dog in the building but the most afraid!
I had to get a shot and they took blood but I survived and then comes the best part.....COOKIES, COOKIES, COOKIES!
So as much as I don't like the vet, I got through it and got cookies to make friends with them before we left, but I could not get out of there fast enough!!
Just retyping this was stressful...sometimes we have to do things we don't like, but good thing for me that I don't need anymore shots for three more years!!
Time for sleep....
Here is how my vet appointment went...I already knew Abbey gets scared and I tried to be tough and tell myself I would be safe and they were nice. I smiled and eagerly walked in and then froze in the doorway. As soon as Tara gave my name I looked for a chair and tried to climb under it...guess what? I don't fit under chairs but I sure do try to get under them! The people in the waiting room started to laugh, so I began to shake and found a corner to put my head in. I told the other dogs that came in that I wanted to be left alone and they listened...I wasn't mean...just said I was scared and the understood.
When it was my turn I politely followed the vet tech back and tried to go under another chair. Those chairs didn't work either so I attempted to sit on Tara...that didn't last long! We then had to go to the scale and I spotted a jar of cookies...I was slightly distracted, so when they asked me to sit on the scale, I did and proceed to put my paw into the vet tech's paw. Everyone started laughing at me, including Tara! I put my paw down and got weighed and then a couple of the techs were asking me to shake and give them high fives...they loved my skills! Once again I was distracted until I saw the white lab coats...back under the chair I tried to go!
Tara filled them in on how great I am doing and get this...they said my muzzle is graying....WHAT? I don't want to turn gray; I am only 4!! Next I thought was the perfect scenario...I watched the vet tech close the two doors in our room and then carefully I tried to mimic how she turned the handle and escape...Tara sat and laughed, but I kept trying. Then the vet came in...she seems nice but I started to shake and they laughed at how scared I was and said I was the biggest dog in the building but the most afraid!
I had to get a shot and they took blood but I survived and then comes the best part.....COOKIES, COOKIES, COOKIES!
So as much as I don't like the vet, I got through it and got cookies to make friends with them before we left, but I could not get out of there fast enough!!
Just retyping this was stressful...sometimes we have to do things we don't like, but good thing for me that I don't need anymore shots for three more years!!
Time for sleep....
Friday, May 21, 2010
This week's adoptable...
Meet Sheila...
She loves to love!
Sheila just turned five, but still has plenty of love and energy to give you! She is medium sized dog and ready to snuggle with you!
She loves to love!
Sheila just turned five, but still has plenty of love and energy to give you! She is medium sized dog and ready to snuggle with you!
According to the Gulf Coast Humane Society..."She is a GSD/Blue Heeler cross and a perfect dog for adults and older teenagers. Sheila needs her personal space to be respected and does not enjoy hugs from humans, or being jumped all over by other dogs. She is extremely affectionate with those she loves and will be a little protective over them. A fabulous dog."
Can you give Sheila a forever home? Contact the Gulf Coast Humane Society today!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Safety First!
Buckle up!! That's right...Bode here to tell you that I even ride safely in the car!! I was at work and was getting tired, so Tara asked for a dog swap. Abbey and I switched places, but I had to ride in the smaller car to get home. Since the baby was in the back, that meant I couldn't sit back we tried the front! The alarm kept dinging that told us to buckle my seat belt, so we listened! I felt just like a human and smiled the entire car ride!
Don't forget to buckle up!
Don't forget to buckle up!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
This week's adoptable...
Have you been checking out our friends who are looking for forever homes?This week we are featuring Slate from the Gulf Coast Humane Society. His 2nd birthday is coming up and you could give him the best gift ever!!
Our contact at the shelter stated: "Slate is a very cool dog, highly active, but mellow once he has worked off his energy. He likes most dogs, gets along with all humans, but might not be a very good idea with very small kids and cats."
Slate could use a family that is open to helping him learn more training and tricks and really wants a family who likes to run, jog or just go on very long hikes with their faithful companion.
Stop by the Gulf Coast Humane Society, meet Slate and his friends and open your home to be a forever home to a deserving dog, like Slate!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Get me out of here....
Did you know that the vet has my file flagged as being overly anxious? I don't know what happens, but when I am at the vet's office, I get silly! Tara took this picture of me trying to sit on her before the doctor came in. I was really trying to convince her to take me home. All I was doing was getting a physical, but it just makes me so nervous....
As soon as we walk in, I crouch down and slink around. I greet other dogs nicely, but don't understand why they aren't scared. Do they not know what is behind those doors? Do they not realize that those people in the white coats with treats are going to do things to their body that make them uncomfortable? At least we get a treat out of it!
I have a clean bill of health, other than my seasonal allergies. I have to take some benedryl when I itch through this flower season, but overall I am great! Bad news was the vet told Tara that I cannot layout in the sun anymore. I am getting more freckles and could get skin cancer...laying out is one of my favorite things to do!
Good thing I got that appointment over if I stay healthy I don't have to go back for awhile! Don't tell Bode but I heard Tara schedule an appointment for him to get three shots in two weeks....
Have a great week,
Abbey (this is me once we got home and I was relaxed!)
As soon as we walk in, I crouch down and slink around. I greet other dogs nicely, but don't understand why they aren't scared. Do they not know what is behind those doors? Do they not realize that those people in the white coats with treats are going to do things to their body that make them uncomfortable? At least we get a treat out of it!
I have a clean bill of health, other than my seasonal allergies. I have to take some benedryl when I itch through this flower season, but overall I am great! Bad news was the vet told Tara that I cannot layout in the sun anymore. I am getting more freckles and could get skin cancer...laying out is one of my favorite things to do!
Good thing I got that appointment over if I stay healthy I don't have to go back for awhile! Don't tell Bode but I heard Tara schedule an appointment for him to get three shots in two weeks....
Have a great week,
Abbey (this is me once we got home and I was relaxed!)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dear retractable leash owners,
I know it is easy to walk your dogs on retractable leashes, but it's not always used properly! Did you know that other dogs do not know your leash is retractable? When we are passing you and you are not paying attention to your dog and let them extend the leash until they almost reach us, we (dogs on standard leashes) become agitated and go into a defense mode. Please be aware of others and don't use a retractable leash just so you don't have to keep up with your dog!
**Hi Blog followers,
Bode here! Just got back from a walk with Tara and the baby. This man was on his cell phone and all over the street letting his dog on the retractable leash pull him around. I thought the dog was not on a leash and got anxious, however I eventually saw the leash but still could not get calm because the dog was coming for our baby!! Finally the man realized what was happening and wanted to know why my tail went down. Tara explained I was startled and protecting her and the baby. The man finally got it and went to the other side of the street. Retractable leashes are hard to see and I just wasn't sure what this other dog was going to do! Maybe now I will remember him and not get so scared, but I think everyone should have to have bright colored leashes like my Red Sox leash!!
I know it is easy to walk your dogs on retractable leashes, but it's not always used properly! Did you know that other dogs do not know your leash is retractable? When we are passing you and you are not paying attention to your dog and let them extend the leash until they almost reach us, we (dogs on standard leashes) become agitated and go into a defense mode. Please be aware of others and don't use a retractable leash just so you don't have to keep up with your dog!
**Hi Blog followers,
Bode here! Just got back from a walk with Tara and the baby. This man was on his cell phone and all over the street letting his dog on the retractable leash pull him around. I thought the dog was not on a leash and got anxious, however I eventually saw the leash but still could not get calm because the dog was coming for our baby!! Finally the man realized what was happening and wanted to know why my tail went down. Tara explained I was startled and protecting her and the baby. The man finally got it and went to the other side of the street. Retractable leashes are hard to see and I just wasn't sure what this other dog was going to do! Maybe now I will remember him and not get so scared, but I think everyone should have to have bright colored leashes like my Red Sox leash!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
This week's adoptable...
Meet Buster!
Buster is at the Gulf Coast Humane Society and wanting to find his forever home! The GCHS says:
Buster is at the Gulf Coast Humane Society and wanting to find his forever home! The GCHS says:
Buster is a super, wonderful dog!! He must know that he looks like a teddy bear, because he acts like one too. He loves people and cuddling and giving them kisses. Have you stopped by the Humane Society recently to check out Buster and his friends? Are you ready to open your home to some four legged love? Buster is your guy! Visit: for more information on how to meet Buster and the other dogs and cats waiting for you!! |
Happy Mother's Day!
Today is a day to spoil Tara! She is our human mommy and we love her very much! We all got to sleep in together, take a nap, layout in the sun, and play with the baby!
We hope each of you are loving your human or four-legged mommy's today, as it is the day to celebrate them!!
With love,
Abbey and Bode
We hope each of you are loving your human or four-legged mommy's today, as it is the day to celebrate them!!
With love,
Abbey and Bode
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Baby stuff is fun!
I found a new hiding place! One of the baby's play mats was put on my bed, so I decided that I must be allowed to use it! It is so soft and cuddly...I wonder if it can be mine? I didn't realize it was a hiding place until I heard Tara looking for me and realized she couldn't see me because of the sides that come up. I eventually made some noise so she could find me.
Do you have a hiding place? Is it as fun as mine? I think having a hiding place is a good thing so that we can rest and take a breath away from all the busy times in our lives!
Alright, enough blogging...I'm going to see if I can go back in there before the baby needs it!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Tara wears our baby around
Have you heard of baby wearing? We watch it all the time but don't want to try it! Tara wears the baby in this thing called a sleepy wrap so she can still play with us, cook, and do work while she is at home. Everyone seems calms when the baby is in the wrap and it looks like she ties it around her different ways. We tried to get a picture, but since we can't snap the camera button we have to wait for another human to be home!
Here is a link to a blog that is giving away a sleep wrap, you should check it out:
Here is a link to a blog that is giving away a sleep wrap, you should check it out:
Friday, April 30, 2010
This week's adoptable...
Have you met Onyx? You should! Our heart goes out to him! Onyx has been at the Gulf Coast Humane Society for almost two years. We think he has the same struggle that Blackey fur just doesn't get a lot of attention!
Onyx is a medium sized, smooth coat mix who recently turned three years old. Can you imagine living over half your life in a shelter? We know the shelter takes great care of him with their amazing staff and volunteers, however he really doesn't know what it is like to have a family to call his own!
The reason Onyx is in the shelter is because his owner couldn't afford having a pet. The volunteers report great things about Onyx, although they say he is a little shy when he first meets you (especially with men) and then quickly warms up! He won't jump on you, but will show you how excited he is to see you by running circles around you! He also knows how to walk very well on a leash, which means he could be your new exercise companion!
Won't you make this sweet, lovable Onyx a part of your family?
Help us help dogs like Onyx get a forever home! Contact the Gulf Coast Humane Society for more information:
Have a great weekend!
Abbey and Bode
Onyx is a medium sized, smooth coat mix who recently turned three years old. Can you imagine living over half your life in a shelter? We know the shelter takes great care of him with their amazing staff and volunteers, however he really doesn't know what it is like to have a family to call his own!
The reason Onyx is in the shelter is because his owner couldn't afford having a pet. The volunteers report great things about Onyx, although they say he is a little shy when he first meets you (especially with men) and then quickly warms up! He won't jump on you, but will show you how excited he is to see you by running circles around you! He also knows how to walk very well on a leash, which means he could be your new exercise companion!
Won't you make this sweet, lovable Onyx a part of your family?
Help us help dogs like Onyx get a forever home! Contact the Gulf Coast Humane Society for more information:
Have a great weekend!
Abbey and Bode
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Who knew...
Who knew that this baby in our house would bring in toys for us! We love this pillow. You can slide your head into it nicely. Tara calls it a boppy and has to ask me to get off of it all the time. Good thing we are good sharers in our house, because I LOVE this pillow! There are also many new things that make all kinds of noises and music that interest me!
I love this new human brother of ours and can't wait to share more with him once he really understands Abbey and I are here!
Do you share with your brothers and sisters? It is such a reward to share but sometimes it is hard! I don't know how I will feel if the baby wants to play with my favorite toys, but since he shares with me, I will share with him!
Lot's of love to you this week!
PS The Gulf Coast Humane Society is having an event Saturday, check out their website for more information and to support them! We will post the adoptable dog of the week tomorrow!
I love this new human brother of ours and can't wait to share more with him once he really understands Abbey and I are here!
Do you share with your brothers and sisters? It is such a reward to share but sometimes it is hard! I don't know how I will feel if the baby wants to play with my favorite toys, but since he shares with me, I will share with him!
Lot's of love to you this week!
PS The Gulf Coast Humane Society is having an event Saturday, check out their website for more information and to support them! We will post the adoptable dog of the week tomorrow!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Something to ponder...
“The conclusion I have reached is that, above all, dogs are witnesses. They are allowed access to our most private moments. They are there when we think we are alone. Think of what they could tell us. They sit on the laps of presidents. They see acts of love and violence, quarrels and feuds, and the secret play of children. If they could tell us everything they have seen, all of the gaps of our lives would stitch themselves together.” - Carolyn Parkhurst
Friday, April 23, 2010
This week's adoptable...
We haven't been doing a very good job in featuring those who need a forever home from the Gulf Coast Humane Society. This week we want to tell you about Snickers. Tara and Geoff met Snickers at an event with Blackey and loved him! Snickers really wants to get out of the shelter, so please consider bringing him to your home!
Snickers is an awesome guy! He is a calm, friendly senior dog who gets along with other calm dogs. He is not keen on young whipper-snappers that want to romp all over him and will tell them so.
His heel walk is just beautiful and he can be walked by anybody, weak or strong. He will adjust his speed of walking to yours. Being a gentle soul we would do well in a family that is not too noisy. He is an asset and we can only recommend you make him part of your family.
From a Gulf Coast Humane Society Employee: He is very people friendly, if a little shy at first. One cool thing about him, we take him to the Oasis for lunch every Tuesday and he will definitely be there some time between 11:30 and 12:30. Might bring some interested parties out for lunching.
VOLUNTEER OBSERVATION from Gulf Coast Humane Society:
"I want to let you know that he enjoys a full fledged body massage. He also likes his neck being rubbed, and I think he might be easy to train. I am just completely amazed, because I think I met one of the sweetest doggies ever at the Humane Society!!"
Snickers is an awesome guy! He is a calm, friendly senior dog who gets along with other calm dogs. He is not keen on young whipper-snappers that want to romp all over him and will tell them so.
His heel walk is just beautiful and he can be walked by anybody, weak or strong. He will adjust his speed of walking to yours. Being a gentle soul we would do well in a family that is not too noisy. He is an asset and we can only recommend you make him part of your family.
From a Gulf Coast Humane Society Employee: He is very people friendly, if a little shy at first. One cool thing about him, we take him to the Oasis for lunch every Tuesday and he will definitely be there some time between 11:30 and 12:30. Might bring some interested parties out for lunching.
VOLUNTEER OBSERVATION from Gulf Coast Humane Society:
"I want to let you know that he enjoys a full fledged body massage. He also likes his neck being rubbed, and I think he might be easy to train. I am just completely amazed, because I think I met one of the sweetest doggies ever at the Humane Society!!"
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The reality of owning a dog....
This link was shared with us from another play therapist who loves dogs as much as Tara. Remember that we think we are part of your family and want to be with your forever...please don't adopt a dog unless you can keep him or her forever. We are so blessed with our forever home and the work that we do, but there are many who are not and need to find a forever home because of similar stories to this video.
Our love and support to the Colorado Retriever Rescue for bringing awareness:
Our love and support to the Colorado Retriever Rescue for bringing awareness:
Monday, April 12, 2010
Our BIG news....
We have not been blogging like we should lately, but that is because our life changed suddenly three weeks ago today! We got a phone call that we could have a human baby brother. He came home two weeks ago, as he was born a preemie.
We love Bryce so much and help as much as we can! The night time is hard because we do love our sleeping, but we get up to make sure everything is ok! We are helping him train so he is ready for the Red Sox when the time comes!
We thank you for your patience with our delay in sharing our news and not being as active as we should on blog.
With love,
Abbey and Bode
Sunday, April 11, 2010
We always show signs of what we feel....
This article tells you the importance of learning our signals.....
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy 5th Birthday, Abbey!
Abbey's 5th Birthday was on Wednesday and I forgot to post about it! Things have been very busy at our house and at work! Abbey had a great 5th birthday! She got some great treats from the Dog Bakery (I got some too)!
This weekend is Easter and Tara forgets I can see on the counter that she got us more goodies!
Hope you all have a great Easter!
This weekend is Easter and Tara forgets I can see on the counter that she got us more goodies!
Hope you all have a great Easter!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
We Love Working At Delta Family Counseling!!!
Have you seen the article on us? JL Watson with the News-Press came out to our counseling practice, Delta Family Counseling, to talk about our work with the kids!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thank you, Theresa!
We have this amazing friend we have never met. Her name is Theresa and she works for NASW in Washington DC. NASW is the National Association of Social Workers, which Tara is a member. I don't think we can be our members, but that is ok! Maybe we are members by default.
Any how, Theresa mails us goodies that are delicious. We think this is great and really like her (and hope to meet her someday). Yesterday we got a new package and they smelled so good! Tara had to hide them in her bag after I had one because I could have eaten all of them! Today I thought they were still in Tara's bag and I fell asleep looking for them. Leave it to Tara to take a vulnerable picture of me!!
Thank you so much Theresa for sending us goodies...don't worry, I shared them with Bode!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
More about last Friday...
Blackey got adopted! We miss him, but knew he just here until we found him that forever home. He is with a really great family and we will get to see him often! We actually go to see him Sunday and play. He is loving life and adjusting very well!
Our house is a little quieter and we are adjusting. We overheard Tara and Geoff say that in another two weeks we will talk with the shelter about adding another foster dog to our home that we can help teach manners and tricks to. Hopefully everyone who reads this keeps an eye out and someone will fall in love with the next foster dog to provide him/her with a forever home!
I am sure we are forgetting something's been a busy couple of weeks and we will be better of keeping up!
Abbey and Bode!
Our house is a little quieter and we are adjusting. We overheard Tara and Geoff say that in another two weeks we will talk with the shelter about adding another foster dog to our home that we can help teach manners and tricks to. Hopefully everyone who reads this keeps an eye out and someone will fall in love with the next foster dog to provide him/her with a forever home!
I am sure we are forgetting something's been a busy couple of weeks and we will be better of keeping up!
Abbey and Bode!
Check out the Pedigree Ad
This was shared with us and we love it! Look at the details we would have missed if it weren't for this special camera!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Last Friday
What a week we had last week! Sorry for the delay in posting. This post is going to be about Friday morning!
It started wonderfully as I went with Tara to a Voluntary Pre-K "Career Day". It was so much fun! There were nine kids in the class and two were afraid of me. I hear that they had bad experiences with other dogs. As the time went by, one of the kids that were scared came and hugged me and the other attempted to give me a treat!
We started out with me just saying hi to the kids and kissing them---if they would let me! They laughed and squealed and this made me wag my tail that much more! It was so fun!
Tara told them about how she and I have the same job and showed a picture of Bode, since he works with us to! A little girl told us her dog recently died and Tara used that as an in to share with the kids what we do! She told them how kids come with us to talk about being happy, sad, mad, angry, or confused. The kids laughed and said they understood....don't tell Tara but I don't think they listened to anything she said! They just wanted to love and pet me!
The teacher told them to all go sit on a number so we could show them the tricks I know. I thought I had to pick a number, so I sat down on one and realized that was sort of silly!
I got up quickly when Tara brought out some great treats. The kids got to go around and practice the verbal and hand commands that Tara taught them, as well as how to give me a treat. It was so fun and the kids loved when I did what I was told.
Tara then talked to them about how you can tell what I am feeling. She told them what it means when my tail wags or gets tucked behind me; what it means when my ears go back, I crouch down, put my head down, or roll over and put my belly up. We also talked about how I have to look Tara in the eyes so I know what I am supposed to be doing. It was much fun!
I am tired from writing, however maybe Bode and I will find time to post later tonight about some other things that have happened!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Rainbow Bridge
This morning we learned that Blackey's new friend Murphy (we featured him recently as adoptable) died suddenlyy. We are saddened with this news, however reminded to share with you the Rainbow Bridge poem and picture we found. Rainbow Bridge Poem: Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. | |
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown... Take time to remember those we have lost, both pets and humans! With love, Abbey and Bode |
Sunday, March 7, 2010
If you want someone....
"If You Want Someone..."
If you want someone who will eat whatever you put in front of him
and never say its not quite as good as his mothers ..then buy a dog.
If you want someone who will eat whatever you put in front of him
and never say its not quite as good as his mothers ..then buy a dog.
If you want someone always willing to go out, at any hour,
for as long and wherever you want .. ..then buy a dog.
If you want someone who will never touch the remote, doesn't care
about football, and can sit next to you as you watch romantic movies . ..then buy a dog.
If you want someone who is content to get on your bed just to
warm your feet and whom you can push off if he snores ..then buy a dog!
If you want someone who never criticizes what you do, doesn't care if you are pretty or ugly, fat or thin, young or old, who acts as if every word you say is especially worthy of listening to, and loves you unconditionally, perpetually...then buy a dog.
Monday, March 1, 2010
A few of you emailed us asking about the Tampa trip....well, we are back! It was so cold that day, but we had a good time! Abbey was restless in the car and kept trying to convince Kayla (the intern that works with us) to let her sit on her lap in the front seat, but Kayla didn't fall for it. I slept the whole way there and back!
It was a small group we taught to and they didn't have a lot of energy like we did, but then again not too many people have our energy! Tara forgot the camera, so no pictures!
There were about 7 humans besides Kayla and Tara and we taught them what we have learned in the therapy room. Tara talked about how the humans have to go to school to learn therapy and how Abbey and I just know what to do! We talked about how silence is golden, it's ok to say no, setting limits, and more.
We love being able to teach with Tara and are trying to come up with more workshops that we can if only everywhere would let us in to teach....
Off to take my afternoon nap....
This week's adoptable...
Meet Murphy and Blackey! Blackey is the foster dog that lives with us and he got to meet Murphy on Sunday at an adoption event. Murphy was recently surrendered to the Gulf Coast Humane Society and they say he is 11, however Blackey said Murphy had lots of energy!
Tara told us that Murphy got along with everyone! He didn't mind other dogs, cats, or even children. He loved to be walked around and was curious to know what is going on around him. He cuddled with Blackey on the blanket and greeted everyone that came in and out of the store the event was held at.
Blackey and Murphy are both looking for that forever home and wondering if yours may be the place to go! Both are older dogs (they call them seniors) but they act like puppies!
We love making new friends and helping them find their forever homes!
Abbey and Bode
Tara told us that Murphy got along with everyone! He didn't mind other dogs, cats, or even children. He loved to be walked around and was curious to know what is going on around him. He cuddled with Blackey on the blanket and greeted everyone that came in and out of the store the event was held at.
Blackey and Murphy are both looking for that forever home and wondering if yours may be the place to go! Both are older dogs (they call them seniors) but they act like puppies!
We love making new friends and helping them find their forever homes!
Abbey and Bode
Thursday, February 25, 2010
My turn...
I always see Tara typing away on this thing called a computer, so I decided when she got up to get lunch that it was my turn! All I saw on the screen were pictures of Bode and I, I think Tara is still finalizing what she is going to say at the workshop in Tampa tomorrow. Bode and I have the easy part...we just get to go along for the ride and play with people that attend the workshop!
Many of our clients talk about the computer and even have asked Tara to check something called Myspace and Facebook during session. I think they forgot what toys are! Our clients always have cell phones and computers or gaming systems that make a lot of noise. When did a ball or a doll become less desired? Bode loves to play ball and wishes more of the kids would play with him.
Tara's done with her lunch and Bode has his football for her...I think we are going outside to play before one of us goes back to work for the afternoon where is that spell check button....
with love,
Monday, February 22, 2010
Busy Schedules
We want to apologize for the delays in our posts lately. It seems like time is not on our side and the days just get so busy! This week we are finishing up our presentation that we are taking to the Tampa Chapter of Play Therapy on Friday. We love road trips and can't wait to meet everyone up there! If we don't post again this week, we surely will about our trip!
Abbey and Bode!
Abbey and Bode!
This week's adoptable...
Meet Dott...she has been at the Gulf Coast Humane Society for a long time and would to say that you are her forever home. She enjoys playing ball, but doesn't do well with children and some other dogs---she is picky about which ones she will play with! She will be turning 3 soon and you could make her birthday wish come true by providing her the love she deserves!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
This week's adoptable...
What a busy week it has been! We have let time get away from us and have not been keeping up with our blog! There as been some great things going on and later today we will post the picture of our "Pay it Forward" donation to the Gulf Coast Humane Society.
After much consideration, we have decided to feature two cats in this week's adoptable has been really hard to agree to do this since they are not our favorite creatures, but we think everyone deserves a home.
Knight is only 1 ½ years old, but has already gone through a lot. He was originally found as a kitten with a very badly deformed leg. Unfortunately it could not be saved so it had to be amputated. He does quite well, but not as well as we would hope for a cat as young as Knight. He is not very good with other cats and absolutely hates being in the cat socializing room, so sadly he does not get as much exercise as to benefit his remaining hind leg. Knight is a little on the shy side and is a “love at first sight” cat. He will either love you or stay away from you. A person with cat experience and respect for their little quirks would be wonderful for Knight. He is only little, about 7 pounds, but he has the energy of a tiger!
Kitty is a beautiful senior of nearly 11 years. She started off as the original crabby cat, but she is melting a little more every day. Once Kitty decides that she likes you (and eventually she loves every person who knows about a good ear rub) she will head butt you, give you Kitty kisses, and if like turns into love, she will even roll on her back for you and gently let you tickle her not inconsiderable tummy. She is a wonderful wonderful cat and really deserves to have a loving home in her autumn years.
All information is from GCHS...take some time to go visit these cats or other animals that catch your attention at the GCHS!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Happy 4th Birthday, Bode!
Happy, Happy Birthday to my little brother, Bode! (Can I still call him little even though he is bigger than me but I am older? hmmmm).
Anyhow....Bode turns 4 today! We love birthday's at our house, we get spoiled and get to have more freedom than normal! Bode got to sleep in and stay under the covers (one of his favorite things) after Tara and Geoff left for work! I heard Tara say she was going to the dog bakery and Geoff said something about doggie ice cream...yum! I am so excited I can't wait to see what we get since it is always a family event to celebrate a birthday!!
What do you do for your birthdays? Do you have traditions?
Nap time for me...I think I will dream about some of those yogurt covered cookies Tara gets from the dog bakery and when I wake up, maybe she will be home for lunch with them!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
This week's adoptable dog...
It's that time again to feature another dog from the Gulf Coast Humane Society...we picked "Tuesday" this week as she sort of resembles Bode! She wasn't there when Blackey was, so we had to ask the shelter for more information about her!

Tuesday is a 6 –year old Boxer mix who came in with her brother Junior. They did however decide that they would prefer to go their separate ways and stopped liking each other.
Tuesday is house-trained and seems to get along with some dogs, a meet and greet is definitely necessary. We do not know if she has lived with children, so we recommend her for families with children 8 years or older. She walks on the leash very nicely.
Don't forget it is also the last week of Delta Family Counseling's "Pay it Forward" in 2010 campaign where we are collecting wish list items for the Gulf Coast Humane Society. If you aren't ready to adopt and provide a forever home, consider donating your old blankets and towels, a bag of dog food, or even a roll of papertowels to help these pets in need!

Tuesday is a 6 –year old Boxer mix who came in with her brother Junior. They did however decide that they would prefer to go their separate ways and stopped liking each other.
Tuesday is house-trained and seems to get along with some dogs, a meet and greet is definitely necessary. We do not know if she has lived with children, so we recommend her for families with children 8 years or older. She walks on the leash very nicely.
Don't forget it is also the last week of Delta Family Counseling's "Pay it Forward" in 2010 campaign where we are collecting wish list items for the Gulf Coast Humane Society. If you aren't ready to adopt and provide a forever home, consider donating your old blankets and towels, a bag of dog food, or even a roll of papertowels to help these pets in need!
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