Pictures of us
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Another picture slideshow by Smilebox |
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I got to go too...
I did so good and practiced on the agility course..then I went down the slide!! I am so proud of myself and my K-9 friends! We jumped and romped while we celebrated our success...can big dogs like me do agility...YES, we can!!
I can't wait to go back and bring Abbey to show her too!
A Day at the Park...
We got there and the client was excited to see me. We said our hellos as walked around in the sand...what fun!! I am excited again just sharing it with you. After exploring, we went to the smaller of the two jungle gym stations. I quick climbed to the top and sat down. Tara followed but our client stood at the bottom and cried. Her mom seemed scared, so Tara reassured the mother. I walked back down and sat with the client looking at her. Finally she took a step and I went with her, again sitting at her side. We did this for all four steps and then walked across a small bridge. It was so great! There were kids, dogs, people everyone...Tara says to be careful as she didnt know if I was allowed on there, but it was working!
We sat down and played a little and then gave a choice of the tunnel or a slide to get down. We walked to slide and down went our client to her mother. (I took the stairs!) I wanted to see the bigger jungle gym, so we ventured over there next. We walked around and sat at the bottom of all three slides and rock walls. We practiced picking up our feet and then off I climbed to the very top...VERY high! It was so fun. I came back down and our client asked to go with me. Off we went to the top and back down...NO CRYING! She did great!!
We came down and went to the swings were I laid down and the adults and client talked about how proud they were and recounted all the things we did...oh what fun! I want to go back!!
At the end, I got a hug and our client said that I kept her safe...this is what it is all about--showing a child how to overcome fear to have fun!
Play time for all!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Allergic to playroom?
Have you ever had itchy skin and you don't know why? Well this has been happening to me lately in the office. I get itchy and a slight rash in my ears and I don't want this to happen! Tara has cleaned everything and cannot figure out what causes. I don't want to stop working!!
We cleaned every toy, carpet, blanket, pillow, chair, and more...nothing is helping! It happens in the CARES side and our offices...what is bothering my skin!! I have taken some benedryl, but that doesn't always help. I really want to be there with the kids but I itch SOOOO bad!!
Could I be allergic to my favorite thing...WORK? Tara has thought about taking me to the doctor, but 15 minutes after we leave work, my skin quickly clears up and I am not itchy anymore. Everyone is stumped! Any ideas on how to get through this?
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We have been busy....

Baxter, Rascal, and Brooke stayed a few days with us again! We love visitors!
Oh and the biggest is almost Christmas...we love Christmas!! Our tree is up with presents under it (we can't tell if they are for us or not), but we love to sleep next to the tree! There are many new things in the neighborhood that startle us on our walks...we don't like blow up lawn ornaments! We bark at ours every night when the timer turns it on. It just doesn't seem right! The lights are so pretty though!
We hope each of your are getting ready for your winter holidays and would love to hear about your favorite things! We will try to blog more as we miss keeping up with everyone!
With love,
Abbey and Bode
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween, a day late--priorities!
We know it has been a very long time since we wrote and we apologize. Have you ever had life just get away from you? It all started when Tara went to a conference and left us home with Geoff. We all missed her so much, but she was learning new things to help the kids. Then once she got back, there started to be family situations that came up and our computer broke--obviously it is fixed now!
A lesson we learned that we wanted to share was to prioritize all the things in your life. For example, is it ok to skip a meal or the laundry. The answer is the laundry! Pick what is important and cannot wait and then move on to the other things. They will all get done eventually.
We will try to post more often and share our Halloween pictures soon!
Abbey and Bode :)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Best Friends...on a rainy day!

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Helping Hand

Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Power of "NO"
Bode was working with Tara and our new intern, Veronica, with a young girl. They were discussing manners and having a tea party. From the sounds of it, the adults were really not following etiquette and Bode decided to follow-along. Bode threw his cup and the client asked to talk to him. Bode said he walked over to her and at the same time she asked him to do something he got an itch. It wasn't a bad itch, just one that made his head shake. The client was looked like Bode told her "NO". Tara just sat and watched as the client worked with her feelings of being told "NO" by a dog.
What a powerful event to have happen and Bode feels horrible for telling her "NO". Tara tried to explain how helpful it was as the client was able to process how it must feel to be her parents or siblings and be told "NO" when asked to do something. Tara says you could see the "light bulb" go off and then the play turned to everyone following their best manners. Bode says he followed all directions and there were no further problems.
"NO" is a powerful word--do you know the right and wrong times to use it? There are also ways to say "NO" without words, such as Bode shaking his head. Bode and I sometimes get in trouble at home when we ignore the command to come in from the yard, ignoring is the same as "NO" too!
Have a great week!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Familiy...they say you only get one...

It is hard today to pick which lesson to share with you. I think it will be one on the importance of family. I heard Tara telling one of the kids recently that family is important and the goal is for them to be with you through thick and thin. One of the kids said they were told you only get one family and was concerned about how children get adopted. Good thing I was there to share my thoughts on this....I don't know my biological family at all! Abbey met her mom, brother, and sister, but it is just me--that's ok though because I wouldn't trade my family for the world! Sometimes your biological family cannot take care of you by choice or because of choices they make...then you get another chance! There are foster families and adoptive families out there that help children (and dogs) feel welcomed when they cannot be with their biological parents. So you can have multiple families, but focus on those that accept you for who you are and help you become a better person!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Helping CARES Help Others
We are asking for help and you can help save a life with us! We help Tara with a non-profit, CARES Suicide Prevention, and love our work there. We get to go to events and sometime Board of Directors Meetings, as well as working with the support groups! They are trying to increase their membership through Facebook and raise money for the first resource center in our area for prevention and education efforts. We are looking for people in numbers and if you can, through donations, but mostly to increase our numbers!
To have your human friends join, please use this
If you know someone that wants to donate (with or without joining) use this
Thanks for your help! You can always view the CARES website for information:!
Love, Abbey and Bode
Autism and kids...

Monday, August 25, 2008
All Clean!
They make special arrangements for Bode. He loves to watch everyone get their baths and insists on going right in when we get there. I don't mind going second because I don't really like to be wet and it is fun to see Bode so happy! They told Tara several months ago that he has is own spot and runs directly into it when he arrives and they weren't joking. It almost looks like he is smiling and encouraging all the dogs during their baths!
We may not work today because usually we are exhausted after visits with Sue...we'll see!
Have a great week!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Sorry for the delay...we are ok!
We missed sharing our adventures with you and hope you didn't miss us too much! We have been very busy with work and playing as we missed Tara and Geoff so much while they were away.
We experienced our first Tropical Storm and thought it was scary to have the shutters up. We couldn't go outside when we wanted and the wind made horrible noises. We new we were safe and have heard all of our clients were safe as well. The best part of the storm was all the sleeping you get to do! I think the humans don't like it as much as we do, but it is great! We love to sleep about as much as we love to work with all the kids!
We promise to keep up with our postings better as we have lot's of things coming up...we are getting an intern, we have some playdates with dogs set, and new clients to meet!
Talk to you soon!
~Abbey and Bode
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Are they coming back?
Have you ever had to take a break from your loved ones and away from your house? It is really hard. At first it was really fun, but we miss our house, our couches, our yard, and so on. We have stopped waiting at the window and once Abbey got to call and leave a message.....she was howling into the phone. We think Tara and Geoff miss us as they have called a few times to see how we are doing. They are at a conference and visiting our friends in Cape Cod. We heard that everything is dog friendly up there, but because of Bode's size we could not go with them. Abbey is happy she didn't go without Bode but misses them greatly! Maybe airlines will reconsider large dogs having to travel under the plane and then we can all go together...wouldn't that be mean to have Bode all alone under the airplane...sounds very scary!
The most reassuring thing is to hear they are coming back and miss us. By having a time frame, that we sort of understand, helps to know we get to go home and see our favorite people very soon. We hope that if you ever have your favorite people have to leave you behind that you are able to have a time frame and check in with them like we have! More to come once Tara and Geoff are back!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Left Alone...
I love Tara, but I love even more to work with the kids and help them with what they are working on. I am needing to learn that I cannot pout when this happens and to understand that sometimes things don't happen the way we plan. This has been a very hard lesson because it never seems to happen to Abbey. Abbey is so easy going, so maybe it does happen to her but it just doesn't bother her.
Have you ever had something that you get excited about but then doesn't happen? How do you handle it? This feeling happens when Tara and Geoff go out of town because no where takes dogs my size, so we both stay with family while they go. There has been talk about packing, so I think they are leaving again and we will stay behind....oh wait, that also means no work--At least I will be able to play with Dante and Gracie!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Unconditional Love
I realized with the teenager I was working with how unconditional love is so important. I love everyone that wants to love me too! It is fun to figure out what they need from me, whether it be a hug, kiss, to rub my belly, or for me to just sit next to them. Sometimes I think they need a kiss and they don't want it (although Tara says it could be because I have breath that smells bad--I like it!).
I hope that you all have a canine friend or even a human that allows you to be yourself and love you no matter what. When you give someone that opportunity to be vulnerable without judgement, it is one of the best feelings for someone to experience. Imagine the validation of your is something that I love to give and hope that each of our readers attempt to achieve by loving and receiving love from others.
Have a great rest of the weekend~~Abbey :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Grand Opening Celebration...

Abbey had a rough time with all the different people wanting to say hi and just laid on the couch. People that visited us got to see our different personalities and realize that we have different feelings and reactions to things just like people. Abbey is more introverted and Bode is an extrovert!
If you are in the area and want to stop by, we both love one on one visitors and look forward to seeing you at our playroom or in the CARES side.
Way to go CARES on filling such a great need in the community and allowing us to be apart of it!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Different Interests....

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
To the doctor...
We have doctor and vet kit in our playroom and for some reason she decided to play with it yesterday. The entire session, she was giving me pretend shots, checking my ears, teeth, tail and legs. She even pretended to take an x-ray and my blood pressure. I got all three of my legs wrapped as they were "broken". I was very patient with her and she kept finding things wrong with me...I ended up with a fever too, so she gave me lots of water to drink!
After all the things that made me unhealthy were fixed, the little girl gave me cookies and laid down with me telling me that things will be great. I think she worked a lot inside of her and I was able to help her. It is amazing to see how playing doctor can make a little girl feel good...and I loved the attention I got!
You never know how playing can make things feel better for a client!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A New Friend...
Coconut is our new friend. He is a 6 month old Jack Russell puppy and he has ALL puppy :) His owner, Heidi and her daughter Charli Su had to go for a long weekend, so Bode and I puppysat! Tara and Geoff think they were in charge, but we took care of everything.
We know how hard it is when you can't go on trips with your family as most of the places Tara and Geoff go do not allow dogs over 50lbs and that rules out Bode, so I always stay with him at our grandparents house. Our previous knowledge made it easy to help him settle into our routine and learn the ropes with still feeling comfortable. Bode taught him that "ice cookies" are just as good as regular cookies, but you can't fool me with those ice cube things, and to tug! I taught him how to play tag in the yard and we all played fetch and chase together (although you will see in the pictures that we wrestled too). Today is his last day with us and it took the entire four days to teach him the doggie door--I had to try and show him to let Bode go first and then wait as there is a LARGE backswing when Bode goes through!
The hardest part is that Bode and I are set in our nap and bedtime schedules, but Coconut kept fearing he would miss something so had to be awake all time time. I think Coconut caught on as he is sleeping now and Heidi will be coming soon to get him, actually Bode is asleep to and I am off for a nap after this. Remember change is hard, but if you treat it as your own vacation and not that your favorite people left you...then you can have just as much fun as those humans!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
You're Invited!!!
We would love to have you attend if you are in SW Florida as we will both be there for the first time together. We go together but never with people there, so this is a big deal for us. We are guessing Tara will put up the gate to our play room so people can look in and pet us and look at what her play therapy room looks like.
The police chief is coming as well as one of those political guys from Tallahassee, Representative Aubuchon. We better be on our best behavior!!
Here is some more information:
Thursday, July 10th from 4:30-7:30pm with CARES having a ribbon cutting and check presentation at 5:30pm.
Please let us know if you would like to attend, the more the merrier and we can count you on the RSVP list to make sure there are enough yummy snacks for you!
CARES opening will the first resource center in SW Florida for prevention efforts and this is such a needed thing in our area. If you are interested in volunteering, we are also recruiting volunteers. For those of you that don't know, Tara is also the lead therapist/Vice President for CARES and we are mascots!
Together we can all save a life (or more!)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
A Fellow Pet Therapy Dog...
Way to go Buddy!
Love, Abbey and Bode
Sunday, June 22, 2008
National Take Your Dog to Work Day
We worked with the kids and stopped by the real estate office, where Geoff works too. We decided that real estate isn't our thing, we love working with the kids and families!!
Here is the link to the website for National Take Your Dog to Work Day:
We would love to hear what others got to do on this great to us!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Take a breath...

This week we realized how important it is to step back and take a breath. Rascal and Baxter left this week, which was happy and sad at the same time; the new therapist moved into our building; we got a window leak; and Tara got called to court--that means we can't go to work those days! And that is just the start of our week...have you ever had weeks like that? We have never been on a roller coaster, but heard Tara say that is what the week was like. Up and down, happy, sad, joyful, stressed, and on and on.
Together we learned that we cannot do it all or control it all and it is important to step back and breath. This allows the situation to move in the direction it is going and for you to view all sides of it. Sometime those breaths need to be the deep breathing kind where you breathe in for a count of 5 and breathe out for 5. This clears your head as well.
Next time you feel like you are on one of those roller coaster things that wont stop, or maybe like us-- chasing your tail round and round (we still don't realize that is part of us...)--stop and take a breath to reevaluate the situation. If we all did this, there could be less conflict and stress in the world.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Feeling left out...

Friday, June 6, 2008
Personal Time...
Right now everyone is laying around because we got up early to run, play tag, tug, and wrestle, but Baxter wants to keep going. He is only 9 months old and I guess that is why. Tara keeps telling us that it is ok to take time by ourselves and Abbey keeps finding great hiding spots. I have found that I can go lay on the living room couch and no one knows for a bit. We keep rotating who goes to the office so we have playtime to run and then work with the kids. I learned yesterday that if I don't take a nap before work then I don't do very good. Good thing I love naps too!
Please remember that everyday you should take time for yourself just to get a way from everything and breathe! Also naps are great to lift your mood when you can fit them in...even 20 minutes helps!
Monday, June 2, 2008
It's Summertime...
Remember, even though it is summer and we feeling like laying around or goofing off, not matter how old we are, we still have some responsibilities that have to be done too!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Too Big...

Have you ever felt too big to do something? If you can't tell, I didn't know I was too big to lay on the top of the couch like Abbey! Then I tried to make it look like I was fine and then I got frustrated. Now that I think about it, maybe I am this size for a reason because there are things Abbey is too small to do. We each have our own qualities and it looks nice to try things that our size doesn't allow, but there are reasons. Tara says that is like the "grass is greener on the other side" and one of our client's this week said it was like how she always wants straight hair but has curly. I think I want to be more comfortable in my size and help others do the same. If I wasn't this big, I couldn't look at the food being cooked on on the stove, I couldn't have some of the kids pretend I am a horse, I couldn't win all the tug of war games that I win and much more. There are always things we will want to change or be different that aren't possible and sometimes we have to try them out to see why. Maybe just laying on the couch and not the top is where I need to be.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Just Listen...
Abbey and I both have worked a lot this week and been able to rest after some of those sessions as well. It is amazing how our clients will talk to us as some of it does not require words directly from them. I watched one of the little girls put on a puppet show this week and she talked about friendship and the importance of being nice to each other with the puppets. The best part was all of a sudden she would turn it into hide and go seek and I would go peek over the make shift puppet theater to find her laying there giggling looking at me and petting me and then she would put me back on my spot in a "sit, stay" to watch again. I think she forgot Tara was there, except for when she asked to give me a cookie...yum yum!
We have noticed that the quiet pause and inability of us to respond verbally is uncomfortable for some people, however they learn to appreciate the silence and allow it to work with them in their processing. Next time you feel like you don't have anything to say or you have said too much, don't say anything and just listen as that can be the most powerful that person will experience that day.
Sunday, May 4, 2008's good for you!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
We're back open!
Abbey enjoyed her sessions and found the puppet show one of the clients put on to be enlightening. She was able to watch him role play the trauma he has experienced in his life through the bigger puppet area that we now have. After releasing his trauma, he laid with her on the floor and rolled around and giggled with all the kisses she provided him. That was the first time that little boy has bounced out of a session and a visible release was seen through his posture.
Bode worked with a family and used some sensory tools to encourage them to work together and recognize how they interpret things differently. It was amazing to see the realization that this was ok to be different and perceive things differently yet be in the same family. It was even better that a whole family, Tara and Bode could all fit in the new-improved-extra-large playroom.
We'll keep you updated on our adventures now that we have grown and have more room to work!
Abbey and Bode
Monday, April 14, 2008
One way secrets...
Tara and I reinforced the safety of the play room and the ability to leave bad things there so they aren't so heavy to carry around. He definitely left me with something and I hope he shares it with Tara so he can feel better and be a happy, healthier little boy in the future!
We're Moving...
Stay tuned for updates as we settle in and get back to seeing more kids!
Bode and Abbey
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sand Therapy and Pet Therapy...
This client was talking about something really bad that happened to her and as she put her hands in the sand and moved them around, she began to talk more. She then put some colored stones into the sand and buried them. As she continued to bury and then search, she began to talk more and more about things she has experienced. I sat next to her and chewed on a chewy while we listened to her processing this trauma. As she played and talked, her breathing slowed down and her shoulders relaxed---something about the sand substance appeared to soothe her and I have seen this with many of the other kids too.
What a relaxing and growing experience to be there to feel the energy change within the room while the kids use the sand...maybe we all should take beach days to relax ourselves in big sand boxes every so often!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Vote for Abbey--cutest dog/therapy dog
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Good bye Mama...
We learned this week that taking your own mental health days, along with your human counter parts, is critical in being able to return to work and do the best job possible. There are many reasons for mental health days, but when you have a loss it is critical to spend time with your family and with yourself to remember the good times.
We played fetch, laid around, watched TV, and visited with family. We are noticing our own family members experiencing different grief stages and trying to cope with others being in a different stage.
We may be getting a new office, pray for us as it would be closer to home and we could go every day as we would have our own room to rest when we aren't with the kids!
Until next time~~ Abbey and Bode
Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Abbey!
It's Abbey's 3rd birthday.....we already got to enjoy some great treats from the dog bakery...yum yum! (Tara and Geoff didn't like the mess, but they were D-Licious!)
Here is Abbey one of the first days they brought her home (before I was even born)--see how she didnt have all her spots yet? :)
Happy Birthday Abbey!
Love~~ Bode
Friday, March 28, 2008
Unconditional love...
Unconditional love means you can not take away the love we feel towards you. It does not matter what has happened to you or what feelings you are struggling to get through, we still love you and want you to be happy. I love doing whatever it takes to let our clients know that I love them without conditions. I will do tricks, lay on their laps, act silly, cuddle, play ball, squeak my toys, go ice-bobbing, etc. to just get a smile and let the client know that I love them and care about them.
If we all could show more unconditional love for others, this world would seem so much happier! I have lots of love to share and hope you do too! (PS this is Bode)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Tag...You're It!

We were playing basketball and talking about all the progress the client made and then he started running around the play room. Tara encouraged me to do so as well and when I would get to him, I would roll on my back and beg for my belly to be rubbed! He didn't buy it and kept saying "Tag, You're It". This was a different kind of tag than Bode and I play, so I tried to play along. I kept losing because I wanted to get tagged by getting my belly rubbed...that is one of the best things in the world for me! It was fun and I got tired fast, but when the client noticed I was tired, he took care of me by giving me my water and a cookie. He was great and I cuddled with him while he and Tara played a game.
Termination sessions are hard on all of us--the client is nervous to end sessions because of the safety of the play room and losing the relationship with us (Tara, Bode, and I), but they are also great because of the progress a client has made when they reach termination time. Bode and I get sad because we can't play with those client's anymore--but it is also great to see how far some of them have come with expressing themselves through words, play, and with me (or Bode)!
In ending the blog today, I would like to say "Tag, You're It" as we would love to hear about your canine adventures or just anything you feel like sharing! Happy Easter!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Anger Management
Well first let me tell you that I was not really scared, I just knew how to help this kid--I think Tara thought I was really scared though! He played with a bop bag and I jumped on the couch for Tara to comfort me and then he would call me back. I would go back and then it would happen again. Finally I pretended I was Abbey's size and climbed on the back of the couch where it touches the wall---this was a balancing act, but he figured out I was scared. I did not move for awhile and he discussed how others see him like I did. I was not ready for his ideas for anger management and tried to help Tara teach him better options such as deep breaths, like with bubbles...I love bubbles! Ideas such as hitting your pillow or screaming into it were talked about too. There are lots of favorite is to walk or run! Hopefully everyone, including our neighbor and clients will learn how to control their anger so that we can all get along better!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I got blamed for something I didn't do...

Monday, March 10, 2008
Quality Time!

Thursday, March 6, 2008
A mini-person?
Anyhow, I am writing to let you know of a new experience I had. I was working with a pre-teen and talking about lots of "teen" stuff when all of a sudden this noise came from the other side of the door. I froze and then it stopped, so I started to chew on my chewie...then I heard it again and a laugh followed. Tara and our client didn't move. What was that? This happened and I tried to peak under the door but couldn't so I sniffed like crazy and have no idea what that smell was.
After our session we went into the waiting room and there was something there that resembled a person, but it was staring me in the eyes. I am not kidding you, this little person was just looking me at my level. All the regular sized people were looking at us and laughing and then the noise came again. The mini-person had a smile...Tara said something about "baby" and me not knowing what a baby is. Apparently that is the human word for this mini-person that does not say words but just makes noises. The smell of this mini-person was interesting too, but both she and I were scared of each other and just stared at each other and I sniffed the air. It was fun, but I am not sure how close I can get to a "baby" because it did not want to come near me and Tara let me decide to stay back...and I did. Maybe next time I will smell more and trust to get closer to explore this "baby"/mini-person.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I just want to be your friend...
Today I got to go help CARES at the Celebrate Cape Block Party and couldn't wait to play with all the kids. There were so many great people and I had so much fun representing CARES and inviting people to the walk next week...until this man with a black dog came toward me. That other dog did not like me and I didn't do anything to him! His owner kept coming closer and I was getting scared so I barked...maybe I was still scared from yesterday, but this dog did not seem friendly at all. I know I was not listening to Tara, but she doesn't understand that I was protecting her! After that I decided I only wanted to visit with people, especially children and encouraged other dogs to not come to our booth! I think right now Abbey and I need to work harder with the kids as we don't seem to have the same goals in life as other dogs! Thanks to all you new people I met tonight and for those that donated to CARES! Let's save as many lives as we can!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Compassion Fatigue and Dogs?

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Helping the famous...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
How is a walk theraputic?
Ok nap time for me...Abbey is already asleep! Thanks for reading!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Happy Birthday, Bode!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tragedy and Dogs...

We are so tired! Thank goodness for the cozy Red Sox blanket. This week has been really rough on Tara and both of us. For those of you that do not know, there has been a tragedy in our town with a man going into his estranged wife's work and shooting her. She worked at a daycare and many children saw this. Luckily we are able to work with these kids and help them through the trauma and loss, but it is very tiring after awhile and we have had to learn that we must take care of ourselves before we can take care of the clients. We have talked a lot about grief recently, however this week there has been an emphasis on trauma (and it is only Wednesday). We have worked with children that were present during the shooting, as well as our regular clients who have been exposed to the media or friends/family who were at the scene. This is so sad as many of the witness' are 2 and 3 years old and have trouble verbalizing what they saw....thank goodness for Play Therapy! We are seeing alot of normal trauma reactions such as regression, aggression, and fear. We are being supportive for the kids that just need to sit and pet us and listening to those that talk about the "Monster" at their school and the lullaby's they sung during the event. The sand tray is being utilized frequently and many telling scenes are being processed. Thank you to those that have sent their support with this as we know these kids will need as much support and prayers as they can get! Time to go back to sleep! Abbey and Bode
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Working Hard...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Bode is Back...
Friday, January 11, 2008
No dogs allowed :(
There are some client's that talk to Tara about feeling excluded and now we realize what they mean. This is not fair. Everyone should be treated the same, well at least us dogs as we are really spirited like humans...please don't include cats in this discussion as Tara is very allergic and they really aren't like us. Wait, is that discriminatory? We are really trying to figure this out and it seems so easy to get caught in bias'. Anyhow, Tara has been gone a lot this week and we learned that it has been for C.A.R.E.S. at some fun-raiser (We think that is what was said, which isn't without us does not work!!) We even learned Brooke has been there...we love Brooke so much that Tara and Geoff have started to spell her name too! It sounds like such fun to watch all these kids perform and we can't go because schools don't like dogs on their properties. Really, what could we do?
Ok, enough complaining. We hope this fun thing raises good money so no one else feels their life should end, but remember dogs can be therapeutic in our comfort and companionship to help prove life is worth living. Try to remember to include us as much as possible and encourage business' to be dog friendly!
PS Bode is recovering and thanks everyone for his prayers. A few more days of medicine and hopefully this "doggie flu" will be gone!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Sick days for Bode...
I know Bode really wanted to work and tell you about his sessions, but I will share mine this time instead. I helped a little girl in foster care learn that we have commonalities...we were both chosen and "rescued". She seemed excited to compare what we came from and where we are now and she will be adopted soon to her family like I was! We played dolls together and I listened as she talked and role-played and sometimes she included me in this play, but other times she gave me a cookie to sit and watch her play and talk, which was just as good! I love to help. Ok, I am off to check on Bode...hopefully he will be on next week to share a counseling story with you!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
How do dog's help in Therapy?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year and Welcome to Our Blog!

Because the children range in ages from three to eighteen, only one of us get to go at a time. We get very jealous if the other gets to go and we have to stay home, but it is so exciting to share our day with each other when we get home. Usually Abbey gets to meet the new clients first because she is smaller and not so clumsy. I sometimes seem intimidating to some kids because I am so big, but Abbey says she tells the kids about me so they will not be afraid and they can work with both of us. Once the children meet us, they always ask for us and we smile in knowing that sometimes they prefer us to Tara (even though she went through all that long schooling to be able to help them).
We decided to create this blog to share with you because Tara has written a few articles about our counseling work and has had a lot of people ask to keep updated on what we do. We hope you enjoy hearing about us and our adventures and look forward to sharing with you.
May 2008 bring lots of love to each of us and remember if you have a canine friend, we love our bellies rubbed!